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Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years

Thinking Clearly Matters

Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Philosopher - cultural critic whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy.

The essential purpose of astrology is not so much to tell us what we will meet on our road, as it is to suggest how to meet it – and the basic reason for the meeting.

Dane Rudhyar

Humanistic Astrologer - pioneered the concept of transpersonal and humanistic astrology.

Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.

Carl Jung

World Famous Psychologist / Astrologer who founded analytical psychology

What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see.

Jean Piaget

Psychologist who developed a theory of cognitive development that changed the way we look at child development.

Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.

Erich Fromm

Neo-Freudian Psychoanalyst / Philosopher - he suggested a theory of personality based on two primary needs: the need for freedom and the need for belonging. 

The more conscious a person is, the less precisely astrology describes their attitude, experience, and biography. The less conscious a person is, the more effectively their attitude, experience and biography can be seen by conventional astrology.

Steven Forrest

Astrologer - one of the founders of the school of Evolutionary Astrology, described by Steven as "a form of psychological astrology which is integrated with metaphysics"

Astrology's roots lie in an ancient world-view which perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order and intelligence.

Liz Greene

One of the most popular Astrologers of the the 20th century - she co-founded the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London which integrates Astrology with depth psychology, humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology.

We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.

John Dewey

Philosopher / Psychologist - whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.

Unity, polarity and trinity are the basis of all power in this Creation. The five elements Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth emerge from that power to form the Universal substance.

Rick Falck

Astrologer / Metaphysician / Mystic Philosopher

What is Astrology?

by Rick Falck

Regardless of what modern 'experts' say, astrology IS a science. A NATURAL SCIENCE. Astrology (the real stuff, not the pop-astrology-fortune-telling nonsense) just happens to clash with the world-view of society's currently idolized 'experts'. And you know what happens when someone's world-view is threatened!

Astrology is trampled and trashed at every opportunity by the main stream followers of scientism. It is blacklisted by the media - except of course for anything that makes astrology look so foolish only an idiot would bother looking into it.

If you want the truth, you must detach from the consensus oriented group-think that 70% of the population is stuck in. Calling it group-think is probably an oxymoronic term as there is little thinking going on in that group. They tend to just accept what their 'experts' say.

Astrology is the oldest scientific endeavor humans have ever engaged in. Consider the effort of gathering data for thousands of years, testing tens of thousands (probably millions) of hypotheses over generations of experimenters. There is no other field of science with that level of determination or stamina. Especially considering the times when astrologers were threatened and put to death for challenging the status quo.

Modern materialistic minds continue to condemn astrology, but that is only because their materialistic world-view blinds them to the truth of what life is. They insist on thinking this Universe is a dead 'thing' made of dead 'matter' - even though they have proven 'matter' is not a 'thing' at all. They are in denial of their own discoveries.

To get past this modern materialistic distortion of reality, you can experience astrology working for yourself. Proving the validity of astrology is simple; the challenge is getting past any pre-existing beliefs you may have that get in the way of the experience. It is first and foremost an individual experience. The proof is in your personal relationship with the Universe; it is not a statistical fuzzball. If you want to see astrology work, do some personal experiments (and approach it with an open mind. Skepticism is welcome, just be open).

What Kind of Astrology Do I Use?

by Rick Falck

I use what works. What I use is based on universal principles, which keeps astrology simple. I do not adhere to any particular brand or type of astrology, but I do like the underlying premise of evolutionary and humanistic astrology. 

Over the past almost 50 years, I have studied and experimented with many branches of astrology and the various techniques astrologers have developed. It is all very exciting and interesting and fun to sort it all out; to get to the essence of it.

Fundamentally, astrology is a map of the creative process used by the Creator to create this Creation. Yes, that might seem complicated, but the principles underlying the creative process are simple. And, like a fractal, the simple quickly becomes complex so it is easy to get overwhelmed. That is why a simple foundation is so important.

Astrology is polymorphic. That means it has many forms, many ways to model or map the creative process. The most common form is psychological. Astrology models psychology better than any other system humans have ever developed. That is because humans did not create astrology. But we have spent a few thousand years figuring out how to use it.

The Creation is an expression of the Love of the Creator. There is a purpose to it, based on that Love. That purpose is ultimately spiritual, and manifests in the drama of human life on earth. That is how the creative process becomes the psychological experience we all have as humans.

Because of this relationship we have with the Universe, it would be impossible for the Universe to NOT reflect our experience. Therefore, astrology works. Figuring out how and why it works is a wonderful challenge.

I think part of every astrologer's job is to separate the wheat from the chaff, to separate things that are of a high quality from things that are of low quality. The principles I mentioned above help us do that. Without the central principles, sorting it out would be an overwhelming and impossible task.

Many astrologers are brilliant and their intuition guides them to see some underlying principle about how astrology works. Others not so much; they get lost in some Neptunian fantasy that is divorced from reality - very much like quantum physicists getting lost in their mathematical formulas and losing touch with reality. This is not a condemnation, it is part of each person's spiritual journey to get lost on their way home; and then find the right path again.


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years