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Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years

Thinking Clearly Matters

Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Philosopher - cultural critic whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy.

The essential purpose of astrology is not so much to tell us what we will meet on our road, as it is to suggest how to meet it – and the basic reason for the meeting.

Dane Rudhyar

Humanistic Astrologer - pioneered the concept of transpersonal and humanistic astrology.

Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.

Carl Jung

World Famous Psychologist / Astrologer who founded analytical psychology

What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see.

Jean Piaget

Psychologist who developed a theory of cognitive development that changed the way we look at child development.

Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.

Erich Fromm

Neo-Freudian Psychoanalyst / Philosopher - he suggested a theory of personality based on two primary needs: the need for freedom and the need for belonging. 

The more conscious a person is, the less precisely astrology describes their attitude, experience, and biography. The less conscious a person is, the more effectively their attitude, experience and biography can be seen by conventional astrology.

Steven Forrest

Astrologer - one of the founders of the school of Evolutionary Astrology, described by Steven as "a form of psychological astrology which is integrated with metaphysics"

Astrology's roots lie in an ancient world-view which perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order and intelligence.

Liz Greene

One of the most popular Astrologers of the the 20th century - she co-founded the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London which integrates Astrology with depth psychology, humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology.

We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.

John Dewey

Philosopher / Psychologist - whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.

Unity, polarity and trinity are the basis of all power in this Creation. The five elements Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth emerge from that power to form the Universal substance.

Rick Falck

Astrologer / Metaphysician / Mystic Philosopher


ASTROLOGY is one of the most powerful SELF-AWARENESS and SELF-EMPOWERMENT tools on the planet! 

I am NOT talking about the junk-astrology NONSENSE spread by mass media.

REAL ASTROLOGY is completely different!

But you won't find REAL ASTROLOGY unless YOU LOOK FOR IT!

OR IT FINDS YOU (if it has, you will know exactly what I mean)!

Either way, that's why you are here. To find more of the best stuff that exists about Astrology. AND to get past the thoughtless-consensus-tripe peddled by the main-stream. To learn the truth about what astrology is, what it isn't, what it is for, and how to use it to OPTIMIZE YOUR LIFE.

The thing that makes astrology REAL is having a personal EXPERIENCE of it working in your life. When it works it is unmistakable and undeniable. This has HUGE VALUE because it helps you expand your SELF-AWARENESS, and self-awareness is the basis for an amazing and successful life.


On February 18, 1930  Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto. The so called dwarf planet that is kind of like David from the Goliath story. It is small, but POWERFUL!

September 12, 1933 is when the concept of a Nuclear Chain Reaction was first hypothesized by the Hungarian scientist Leo Szilard. This 'idea' became the basis for Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Bombs.

In 1928 Edward Bernays published his book, "Propaganda" which had a deep and powerful impact on the world. Bernays was Sigmund Freud's nephew. He took what he learned from Uncle Sig to create a Public Relations empire by teaching governments and corporations how to use the power of psychology (the unconscious) to manipulate the masses. This is pivotal because this is when the discovery of the unconscious mind is first deliberately used to influence people on a mass scale.

During this time, humans were simultaneously penetrating deeper into the Solar System, the Atom, and the Human Psyche. As deep shifts in human knowledge and awareness go, it would normally take generations! But this shift, with it's dramatic and everlasting transformations, happened almost at the same moment (on an evolutionary time scale). All within 6 years of each other, with the discovery of Pluto right in the middle.


Obviously, that depends on YOUR WORLD-VIEW!

Scientists call this type of synchronistic relationship ENTANGLEMENT, and they claim it only works in the subatomic realm. They are clearly NOT paying attention!

The materialists will loudly claim that such events are ONLY a coincidence and mean nothing. To them, synchronicity is nothing but woo-woo fantasy bullshit just like astrology! That is also why the work of Carl Jung is rarely taught at Public Universities. Carl is on the bad boy list because he also used astrology in his clinical practice. Don't expose our precious youth to such ideas or they might start thinking outside the box!

Those who see this Universe as a creative expression of a super-conscious intelligent being are much more inclined towards the synchronistic world-view.

And astrology only works in ONE of those world-views.

As part of a world-view, Astrology claims this Universe is first and foremost a spiritual 'place', secondly a psychological 'place', and only last is it a physical place. The physical is in service to the psychological and the spiritual.

Quantum Physics proves the physical world is just vibrating forces and energy. And there is WAY more space than 'substance'. Is this the stuff of DREAMS as Shakespeare said? 


Exploring the ultimate nature of reality! What could be more exciting than that? 

An ORGASM perhaps? 

Or maybe exchanging body fluids is not your thing, and looking into the eyes of your lover is what moves your Soul?

Or do you like living on the edge (and risking death) with extreme sports like sky-diving or climbing mount Everest?

Or are you ready to go all in and surrender into a blissful embrace from a loving Creator?

Metaphysics explores all of that and more! It is an intelligent exploration of life on all levels. Seeking the truth, building concepts to model reality and adjusting them as new experience informs.

Metaphysics keeps my mind sharp and fulfills my desire to discover new patterns of connection between different realms of knowledge. It enhances mental flexibility by exploring many points of view, and improves the coherency of my overall concept of reality.


Is there a PURPOSE to life? To MY life?

Does the structure of the solar system give us clues about such a purpose?

Is this Universe a PHYSICAL PLACE? Or is the physical experience an ILLUSION projected from a non-physical reality?

Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? How can this exist if the Creation is the work of a Benevolent Creator?


Science is in TROUBLE!

Which is too bad because science is pretty cool -- when it is honestly and ethically seeking the truth .

But corruption has set in.

Stupid theories abound.

Good ideas are ignored, denied and suppressed.

Money, status and politics are running the show.

But I do like the good parts...

More Cool Stuff...

If an idea is so unique it won't fit in the categories above... it will be posted in here. And it will be good!

Really Good!


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years