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Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years

Thinking Clearly Matters

Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Philosopher - cultural critic whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy.

The essential purpose of astrology is not so much to tell us what we will meet on our road, as it is to suggest how to meet it – and the basic reason for the meeting.

Dane Rudhyar

Humanistic Astrologer - pioneered the concept of transpersonal and humanistic astrology.

Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.

Carl Jung

World Famous Psychologist / Astrologer who founded analytical psychology

What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see.

Jean Piaget

Psychologist who developed a theory of cognitive development that changed the way we look at child development.

Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.

Erich Fromm

Neo-Freudian Psychoanalyst / Philosopher - he suggested a theory of personality based on two primary needs: the need for freedom and the need for belonging. 

The more conscious a person is, the less precisely astrology describes their attitude, experience, and biography. The less conscious a person is, the more effectively their attitude, experience and biography can be seen by conventional astrology.

Steven Forrest

Astrologer - one of the founders of the school of Evolutionary Astrology, described by Steven as "a form of psychological astrology which is integrated with metaphysics"

Astrology's roots lie in an ancient world-view which perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order and intelligence.

Liz Greene

One of the most popular Astrologers of the the 20th century - she co-founded the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London which integrates Astrology with depth psychology, humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology.

We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.

John Dewey

Philosopher / Psychologist - whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.

The trinity and the five elements archetype that is We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.

John Dewey

Philosopher / Psychologist - whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.



I use what works. It is based on universal principles which keep astrology simple. 

See my article here for a deeper look.


Because I am a Wise Wizard! 

But don't take my word for it - dig in and see what I say. Find out for yourself if I am worth listening to. It doesn't take long...

There are one or two other good astrologer's online as well. I list some of them below. Listen to what we say and figure out what you like.

Recommended for beginners: Resist any temptation to chase the ephemeral false hope and fantasies of the pop 'astrologers' and fortune tellers online — they are everywhere! Just like cockroaches they can survive ice-ages and nuclear wars! But they can never help you find the life changing benefits that come with real astrology.


My products are about personal transformation and growth - and my primary tool for this is Astrology. Learning what it is and how to use it,

More workshops, courses and books are in development. Announcements will be made when they are available.


Sometimes. When I have time. My schedule is pretty busy but I do love helping people understand their astrology charts, so when I have time I will put up a schedule page for signing up.

I will be doing some mini-workshops that help people go deeper into the meaning of their birth charts. Sign up to my email list to be notified when these happen.


By email. Click here to send me a message.


I began serious study of astrology in 1976.

During that time (almost 5 decades), I studied and researched many areas of Astrology. My original intent was to understand everything about it! It did not take long to realize that was a fool's errand. Astrology is too vast to know everything. 

I quickly realized that digging deep rather than going broad was were the secrets would be found. I wanted to know, as far as humanly possible, the mystical and metaphysical origins of astrology. I wanted to see exactly what astrology is, why it exists, and how it works. Many astrologers have gone into these realms. And their teachings have helped me a lot. Their knowledge was exciting and revealed a lot about astrology, psychology, metaphysics and the spiritual connections to astrology.

Here is a list of some of the teachers I have benefitted from — and this is just a sample — there are many more:

  • Max Heindel — Christian occultist, astrologer, and founder of The Rosicrucian Fellowship. His book, "Simplified Scientific Astrology" is one of my first serious astrology books and the one that taught me how to calculate birth charts.

  • Dane Rudhyar — Pioneered the concept of transpersonal and humanistic astrology. His book, "The Astrology of Personality" is one of my favorites.

  • Stephen Arroyo  — One of the best astrologers of the twentieth century! Stephen's understanding of the four elements and their importance in astrology has transformed astrology immensely. "Astrology, Psychology and The Four Elements" is a classic every astrologer needs to read.

  • Steven Forrest  — Another master astrologer. Steven is also an excellent writer with the capacity to engage and to convey not just his astrological knowledge but also his experience. What I mean by this is you can feel his experience come through with his words. 

  • Liz Greene  — Liz has done some excellent work integrating astrology and Jungian psychology.

  • Sue Thompkins  — Sue's book, "Aspects in Astrology" is one of the best. 

  • Alan Watts — Many excellent books on philosophy and psychology. I started reading Alan's books when I was a teenager after a major heart break. "The Wisdom of Insecurity" was my first Alan Watts book and it helped a lot.

  • Carl Jung — World Famous Psychologist / Astrologer who founded analytical psychology. Many excellent books. Learned a lot, but I do not agree with every concept he describes!

  • Buckminster Fuller — World Famous Genius! Bucky's perceptions of geometry, symmetry, energy, resonance, space, time, and physics is beyond what the majority of scientists can see. His books "Synergetics" and "Synergetics 2" are amazing. I've read them three times! Deep astrological connections here. 

  • Dr. Randolph Stone — Creator of Polarity Therapy. Dr. Stone brought many healing practices from around the world into a wholistic system. Polarity Therapy is fundamentally an understanding of energy and how to bring it into balance for healing. It recognizes astrology is a key part of the human energy anatomy.

  • And the list goes on...  but that might bore you! If there is enough interest, I might create a separate page listing all the amazing people I have learned from.

The teachings from these people are amazing and served as a great part of my education. But it was not enough. It did not completely satisfy my hunger and I still wanted something deeper. I wanted to know the deepest secrets so I could see what the ancients saw. I wanted to know how and why they developed the techniques they used. I did not want to base my knowledge purely on historically obfuscated knowledge or techniques. Not without knowing the underlying principles they used.

When I began studying astrology I was already deep into my studies of mysticism. This became my foundation. Without that all my other studies would fall short of comprehension. 

I also began studying different systems of natural and energy healing from around the world. I was certified in Polarity Therapy in 1978. I studied alchemy at the Paracelsus College in Salt Lake City. I studied Gestalt Therapy, Nutrition, Herbology, Essential Oils, Gem Stone Therapy, Light Therapy, Phrenology, Palmistry, and more.

I also studied many fields of science. Biology, physics and quantum physics, physiology, optics, chemistry, I studied electronics for two years and became an electronics technician. When computers came out I studied software engineering and worked at several companies including Electronic Arts making video games. I created a portable astrology computer in the mid-eighties called Cozmos (Panasonic made the hardware, I created everything else). It was a great little computer but short lived because just as it was coming into the market, lap-tops came out and killed my creation!

There is more... I just want to give you a flavor of my work — without boring you to death!

The point of all this is that studying many different fields of knowledge allowed me to see patterns across the boundaries of each discipline. I found connections that tied everything together into a gestalt or whole view of how the Universe works and in turn how astrology works.

And it paid off! I have developed some unique perspectives on Astrology and love to share my insights.

People have often asked me, "How could you study so many different things?". To use an old cliche, "It's all in the stars!". For the astrologers reading this: I have Jupiter in Gemini and in the 3rd house. Mercury rules Jupiter and is conjunct Mars. Jupiter is also the 'chart ruler' as I have Pisces rising and Sag on the MC. One of the tightest aspects in my chart is an almost exact trine from Jupiter to Neptune (12 minute orb) and Mercury is exactly conjunct Neptune's north node. So you could call this, "adventures in higher knowledge".


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Plus, when you opt in, I'll give you a free gift:

A pdf of my "Future Map" that reveals astrological insights about The Next 3 Years. It is an astrological weather forecast. This is not a predictor of specific events - but it is a great resource for navigating the future based on energetic patterns we are moving into.

To get this free issue and daily tips, simply click the green button on the top of this page.