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Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years

Thinking Clearly Matters

Rick Falck



Mystic Philosopher

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Philosopher - cultural critic whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy.

The essential purpose of astrology is not so much to tell us what we will meet on our road, as it is to suggest how to meet it – and the basic reason for the meeting.

Dane Rudhyar

Humanistic Astrologer - pioneered the concept of transpersonal and humanistic astrology.

Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.

Carl Jung

World Famous Psychologist / Astrologer who founded analytical psychology

What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see.

Jean Piaget

Psychologist who developed a theory of cognitive development that changed the way we look at child development.

Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.

Erich Fromm

Neo-Freudian Psychoanalyst / Philosopher - he suggested a theory of personality based on two primary needs: the need for freedom and the need for belonging. 

The more conscious a person is, the less precisely astrology describes their attitude, experience, and biography. The less conscious a person is, the more effectively their attitude, experience and biography can be seen by conventional astrology.

Steven Forrest

Astrologer - one of the founders of the school of Evolutionary Astrology, described by Steven as "a form of psychological astrology which is integrated with metaphysics"

Astrology's roots lie in an ancient world-view which perceived the universe as a single living organism, animated by divine order and intelligence.

Liz Greene

One of the most popular Astrologers of the the 20th century - she co-founded the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London which integrates Astrology with depth psychology, humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology.

We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.

John Dewey

Philosopher / Psychologist - whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform.

Unity, polarity and trinity are the basis of all power in this Creation. The five elements Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth emerge from that power to form the Universal substance.

Rick Falck

Astrologer / Metaphysician / Mystic Philosopher

Is The Multiverse Real?

by Rick Falck

A friend asked me why I think the scientific proposal of the multiverse is bullshit.

Partly because it would be a waste of energy and God does not waste energy. And also because it serves no purpose within the context of God's creative purpose. You do not need to know God's purpose for this to be true. You only need to know (or believe) there is a purpose.

Science does not like the idea of including God as a parameter in it's hypotheses or theories.

The problem with excluding God from science is that if God does exist then science is making the biggest mistake it could possibly make.

It means science is missing the most important parameter in the development of theories about the nature of this Universe; and how it came into being. This does not mean you must believe that God exists to include God in science. It means that if including a concept of God in a theory or experiment could change a point of view or alter an outcome, then some kind of God concept should be part of the experiment. A long term consequence of this inclusion is that science may even develop some interesting scientific concepts of God; which might also bring an often missing sense of ethics or morality into science.

A huge problem with our current scientific establishment is that when a lot of time, energy, money and emotion is invested into a theory, the theory morphs into dogma. Scientists become enamored by the formulas, the media shines a light on it, books are written about it, Universities teach it, time passes. An illusion is created that simulates reality. The original theory is still just a theory, but it is so well entranched it is portrayed as if it is real. It is now defended by vested interests and science becomes Scientism - the new religion.

Consider the Big Bang Theory. It is the Creation story within the new religion of scientism. The theory was originally proposed by a scientist who was also a Catholic Priest! It is spoken of and written about as if it is reality when it is still nothing more than a theory. Just because some empirical evidence such as the CMB (Cosmic Background Radiation) coincides with the theory does not mean such correspondence is proof that the theory actually models reality. Many scientists know it is still a theory, but the general public does not. Yet it is promoted as if it is real. This happens when scientists that know the Big Bang is a theory ACT in public as if it is real. They speak of it as if it is actually how the Universe came into being. Enthusiasm for the theory is no excuse.

Most recently the new Webb telescope (amazing technology!) has found galaxies that are incredibly far away AND they are much older than the age of the Universe as described by the Big Bang Theory! How are they going to reconcile this new evidence that the Big Bang is Bogus?

I am convinced by a broad range of study and experience that this Universe is a holographic DREAM! It is conceived and maintained in the mind of God. (the mind of God is NOT God, it is one of God's powers). What the physicists are doing at places like the LHC is tinkering with the substance of the dream at the very edge of the dream. This brings scientists a tiny bit closer to the mind-substance the dream is conceived with, and all kinds of ideas and theories come from this tinkering!

The Universe is an imagining, a projection of dazzling light from the mind of God.

God created this Dream with a purpose. The idea of a Universal Purpose is often contrary to what science looks for, or even cares about. But if God exists, then that purpose is paramount in the design of this Universe. And because this is a holographic Universe, that purpose will be reflected in every point in this Universe. Every bit of energy and every particle will be the result of that purpose - and represent that purpose. And even though God is infinitely powerful, He does not waste energy on nonessential things. He designed this Creation very efficiently, and He only needs ONE Universe to achieve His purpose. (There are higher dimensional realms, but they are non-physical and that is another topic).

EVERYTHING that exists, EVERYTHING that happens, is guided by the underlying purpose of this Creation. Keep in mind that Universal purpose is not the same as human purpose. We have to get our minds out of our human frame of reference to even get a glimpse of Universal purpose.

The multiverse idea is replete with dead, lifeless bubble Universes - with only a few that can even support life. What would be the purpose of such folly? Nothing but wasted energy in the CHANCE that eventually one of those Universes would support life? Science loves chance and coincidence. It has replaced God. But God does not need to take 'chances' with His Creation.

Another multiverse theory purports that a new Universe is spun off with every decision we make which means there are 'endless' me's and you's and everybody else existing in every possible pattern of choices, each with it's own Universe. It would be hard to think of anything more useless! A supreme waste of energy! And because this is a Creation, not a random accident, there is no wasted energy. God is precise and purposeful. I think this idea of the multiverse, at least in part, is to support the idea of time travel, another nonsense idea that reeks of inefficiency and purposelessness.

A clear understanding of how this dream works and it's underlying purpose dispels such notions.

Time travel is not possible because there is no other time to travel to. Time does not move. Time is the stillness within motion. Time is the central power of the Universe. Time is more like a fulcrum than a motion. All the motion we experience is the effect of time, not time itself. Time is not a duration, it is eternity. Time is NOW. Eternity is the infinity within NOW. The past and future are ILLUSIONS.

When you get closer to the center of the creative process, you may see dimensions returning to their source which can appear as reverse time. Just another mirage. All the time reversals that happen in quantum mechanics are still happening NOW. It is a dance of effect, not cause.

The measure of time is the measure of it's effect in the dimensions of space, and the dimensions of space are projections from time. True Time is immeasurable. As you approach time at it's source it becomes timeless. From our perspective within dimensions, you could think of Time as the WILL of God. The prime mover.

Another reason I consider the multiverse idea as nonsense is because of the nature of infinity. Infinity is one of the most misunderstand ideas in all of science. Infinity does not exist in this Universe. The Universe is made of dimensions. Dimensions, by their very nature, are limits. Infinity, by it's very nature, is without limits. Endlessness is not infinity. Forever is not infinity. They are just loops, cycles that are obviously finite when viewed from a higher perspective. Mirages floating in the dimensions of the Universal Dream. Any dimension that approaches infinity would dissolve into that infinity. It would cease to exist and become infinity. Just as a raindrop becomes indistinguishable from the ocean.

The mind cannot grasp infinity. It takes considerable mental work to even imagine fragments of the nature of infinity. The mind cannot really see it, or conceive the whole of it. But your Soul can. It is only by association with your Soul that your mind can then be inspired to create concepts that are just shadowy projections of True Infinity. In our present state of consciousness, most people can intuit tiny, unconscious glimpses of infinity, which is where hope and faith and love come from.

God is the only infinity that exists. What appears as infinity in this Creation are merely projections of the True Infinity. The Universe is a holographic projection of the Infinity of God. That is what the holographic effect is - a projection of it's source. An illusory appearance of infinity, not real infinity.

Getting clear on WHY God created this Universe is the real question. How He created it is also fascinating; and if you can keep yourself from falling into mental quagmires, you can see faint reflections of Why in the How. But asking Why is the supreme question and will eventually clarify the How and help you avoid the quagmires (useless theories that branch off into other theories and then other theories like an acid trip).

Chasing the endless theories of quantum physics is like getting stuck in a holodeck that is projecting and zooming into the 3D Mandelbrot set all around you. At first it is beautiful and exciting, but eventually you realize than zooming in and out goes nowhere new, even though it looks a bit different. The drive to explore these things is to find one of those rare patterns that actually connect with the objective world in a useful way. But would it not be even more rewarding if those patterns were also seen as reflections of an infinite Creator rather than merely a connection with some objective phenomena?

There is a purpose to life. It is a hero's journey. The True Hero is your Soul. The path is it's evolution. The purpose is to find your way into the infinite love and light and cease existing as a limited, ego based creature. The ego is just an incubation shell, the swaddling bands that keep you stable (somewhat!) while you develop and eventually reclaim your True Self as the Infinite Creator.

And Multiverses are not required. Therefore they do not exist.

What Happened To Science?

by Rick Falck


Over the past almost 50 years...


I'm Giving Away my Future Map

Full of Insights about The Next 3 Years